Lucy Oliver, MSci.


I wanted to create this program to enable people to find more freedom and joy in their lives. Freedom from physical pain and mental prisons. I built an excellent mental prison for myself, my software was definitely programmed to find the challenge in and suck the fun out of every situation. I was very convinced that life was hard and would always be hard. I was the sick kid. I had a lot of digestive issues growing up that led to hospitalization and a shoulder shrug from many specialists when they couldn’t find a box to put me in. Then I had hormonal issues, then sleep issues, then seven years of anorexia, anxiety, massive rebound weight gain, binge eating, insulin issues, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, bloating that made me look eight months pregnant, feeling very lost and so much brain fog I was scared to drive and could barely function. I spent a LOT of money on specialist MD’s and alternative healers but made no progress. Fortunately, my up-until-that-point useless Masters in Chemistry came in helpful while reading tedious studies and very dry books in the quest to figure out what the hell was going on in my body and mind and repair all of the things that I had destroyed. It was a very slow and frustrating process but like most slow and frustrating processes, the journey brings many gems and learnings and, in my case, it enabled me to turn pain into beauty, which I think is an essential part of life. 

I have now joined many people as they go through the program, I have seen their transformations and I am filled with such immense warm and fuzzies when I listen to how it has positively impacted their lives. The goal was originally to change one life to make it worthwhile and now our past guests are the ones pushing us to grow and impact more people.